

2016-08-11 绵阳微英语


「绵阳最有情怀的外语培训机构 绵阳标准外语学习中心 」

少儿英语 |中学英语 |成人英语 |韩语日语 | 法语西语 | 出国留学

学习热线:0816-2223080  18081215010



Ode: to the Oak

Shu Ting

If I fall in love with you—

I will never resemble clambering trumpet creeper,

To flaunt myself by your high branches.

If I fall in love with you—

I will never imitate spoony birds,

To repeat simple melody for green shade .

I will not only resemble a wellspring,

To bring you cool consolation perennially;

I will not only resemble steepy mountains,

To increase your altitude or set off your dignified manner.

Even not only sunlight,

Even not only spring rain,

No, these are not enough!

I must be a kapok beside you,

As an image of tree I stand with you.

Our roots hold tightly in the earth,

Our leaves touch gently in the clouds.

As each breeze passes, we salute each other,

But no one can understand our own words.

You have your iron trunk and copper branch

Like a knife, a sword and a halberd as well;

I have my red and big flowers,

Like a heavy sigh and a heroic torch as well.

Together we partake cold waves, storms and firebolts;

Together we share fogs, flowing hazes and rainbows,

We seem always apart, but

interdependent( all life long.

Only this is great love,

Faithfulness lies here:

I love not only your gigantic stature,

But also the position you uphold,

And the earth on which you stand.




▲ 新概念英语二(中学生)精品VIP班(1对1、1对2、1对3)

▲ 美国原版3H少儿英语(6-12岁)精品小班

▲ 新标准日语初级(零基础)精品小班和VIP班

▲ 标准韩国语初级(零基础)精品小班和VIP班

▲ 日语五十音图标准发音课程(5人制小班)

▲ 中小学生暑期英语提升课程 精品小班和VIP班

▲ 日语考级定制课程(N5-N1)VIP班

▲ 英语口语课程(零基础)精品小班和VIP班

▲ 旅游英语课程 精品小班和VIP班


贝斯达外语学习热线:0816-2223080  18081215010


